Friday, November 14, 2008

Angels & Demons

Angels and Demons is a story about an ancient "brotherhood" of scientists that don't believe in God. They called themselves the " Illuminati", who killed many religious men, and branded them on the chest, with their symbol to show that they were getting revenge on the church. This of which, was a brand found on the corpse of Leonardo Vetra, a highly educated scientist at CERN. "Vetra was on the cutting edge of particle physics, he was starting to fuse science and religion...showing that they complement each other in most unanticipated ways"pg.56. This gives me more of an understanding of the book, because it shows why Vetra died. He was murdered because he was scientis and areligious man."Religion has always persecuted science" because they have strong views of what they believe in, and things we can not explain. Which makes me realize that this is still going on in our society, and how religion is the root of some of our problems, because every body fights over religion, thinking theirs is right and ours is wrong or ours is right and theirs is wrong. When in reality, we don't really know, we are just basing our opinions on what were told. There are some things that we can not explain, but that does not mean that science is incorrect or religion is false. You have your choice in what to believe in or not, and people can't tell you, NO, YOU CAN'T BELIEVE THAT, because they don't know, what is correct either. It's your personal opinion, not anybody else's.